Contact and Support

Support and upgrades are included in the first year of your purchase.

Support and upgrades are included in the first year of your purchase.

Support is provided via our email helpdesk.

After the first year of use, upgrades and support require an optional annual charge e.g.
For Primary Licence (Club Edition) = £12 / €17 / $21 / AUS $25

Requesting a new licence key or transferring a licence to a new computer requires you having an active support subscription.

Available Monday - Friday

Closed weekends and UK Public Holidays

We aim to reply to queries within 24 hours.
Our average is < 8 hours


If you have a query, please

before emailing as 70% of queries are solved this way.

Found a problem?

If you think you have found an error in ScoreBridge, then upgrade to the latest release as very often the problem has already been fixed
- see the latest changes

Upgrade in ScoreBridge itself, by using the system menu and then install latest ScoreBridge update
NOTE An active support subscription is required to upgrade ScoreBridge.

Finally, if that does not solve it, in ScoreBridge use the help menu and then send message + diagnostics to ScoreBridge

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